===== 標題 ===== 電腦異動管理員已經停用了對遠端/網路異動的支援。 ===== 問題分類(ASP, Component, SQL, IIS, Performance, System, etc...) ===== MSDTC ===== 問題現象(描述問題發生時的症狀) ===== *環境說明: AP Serve與DB Server在是分開的, 而且在不同的Domain, AP Server與DB Server的OS都是Windows 2003 *問題現象: 在程式裡加入Transaction的話, 會出現錯誤訊息: "電腦異動管理員已經停用了對遠端/網路異動的支援。" 英文翻譯: The transaction manager has disabled its support for remote/network transactions *之前Tony的Support有遇到過, 原因是: Windows2003 預設是關閉網路 DTC 的,只有本機能夠通 可以透過下列步驟修正: Steps to Enable Network DTC Access Click Start, point to Control Panel, and then click Add or Remove Programs. Click Add/Remove Windows Components. Select Application Server, and then click Details. Select Enable network DTC access, and then click OK. Click Next. Click Finish. Stop and then restart the Distributed Transaction Coordinator service. Stop and then restart any resource manager services that participates in the distributed transaction (such as Microsoft SQL Server or Microsoft Message Queue Server). *參考網址: http://support.microsoft.com/?id=817064 補充: 可在 "元件服務/我的電腦/內容" 查看MSDTC頁籤的安全性設定裡查看Netwrok DTC的設定. *做完之後, 出現另外一個問題, 錯誤訊息: "異動已經以暗示或者明確的方式認可或中止了" 英文翻譯: The transaction has already been implicitly or explicitly committed or aborted *經過測試, 發現跨網域才會出現這個錯誤. 原因是: The MSDTC proxy may not correctly authenticate MSDTC when the communicating computers are not in the same domain. *修正方式: 在AP Server turn off the remote procedure call (RPC) security by setting the DWORD value for the TurnOffRpcSecurity registry value to 1. Start Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe), and then set the value of the HKLM\software\microsoft\msdtc\TurnOffRpcSecurity registry key to 1. *參考網址: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;827805 *注意: 設完之後要重新啟動MSDTC才會有效 *可用關鍵字去 Google 查詢 HOW TO: Enable Network DTC Access in Windows Server 2003 (0x8004d00e):The transaction has already been implicitly or explicitly committed or aborted MSDTC Fails to Mutually Authenticate When Computers Do Not Run in the Same Domain ===== 問題原因(描述問題發生的原因) ===== * Network DTC Access沒有Enable * 在不同Domain時, MSDTC的Authenticate不成功 ===== 修正描述(如何修正此問題) ===== ===== 是否要更換此元件的依據 ===== ===== Release 版本 ===== ===== 關鍵字 ===== MSDTC, Windows 2003, Network DTC, transaction, Domain ===== 備註 ===== 如果錯誤訊息是: "協力電腦異動管理員已經停用了對遠端/網路異動的支援。" 英文翻譯: The partner transaction manager has disabled its support for remote/network transactions 代表DB Server沒有Enable Network DTC Access